Monday, February 23, 2015

It's at a cocktail party in her honour that she first meets him - and the attraction is immediate for graduate student Francesca Arno. It's also bewildering. She's not used to such a wholesale sexual response to a stranger. Enigmatic, darkly intense, with a commanding presence, billionaire Ian Noble completely unnerves her. And she likes it.

For Ian, Francesca is the kind of woman he can't resist - one that comes all too rarely: a true innocent. But he can sense in her a desire to open up, to experiment, to give herself to the fantasies of a man in control. The first kiss, the first caress, the first challenge for a woman who craves what she's never had - a man who gets what he wants... (Amazon)

It seems that I am not very lucky in finding a book I really enjoy reading... 

On Friday, I started reading Beth Kery's Because you are mine after seeing it recommended by various sources online. But yet again I was disappointed and could not get into the story. I did not like the Heroine. She seemed immature and didn't strike me as very independent or likable. Maybe it was her submissive character but she did everything he told her to without much hesitation or thought. I do like a dominant hero but I could just not get myself to like Ian and did not connect to him at all. The entire storyline seemed way to rushed and I was asking myself when did they actually fall in love??

Sorry,... but again not something I enjoyed reading.

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